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New Moon in Scorpio

Lisa Viccars • 26 October 2022

New moon in Scorpio

I meant to post this yesterday but I've had famalam in laws staying so we have been busy bees tramping around the North East.
As much as I can tramp in my current situation.

I've had a few mental dreams with this new moon eclispe in Scorpio both highlighting my deep desires and darkest fears,
The law of polarity. Light and dark.

Scorpio is the time to really shine a light on our pleasure and pain. On our saintliness and arseholeness so it all makes sense.
New moons are traditionally times to manifest and pave the way for the month/ cycle ahead.

We are getting ready to emerge from the red tent refreshed and ready to take action


there is a quiet retrospection to have here too. What is being highlighted as a barrier to your dreams, desires and manifestations?
Allow the new moon to guide you through the shadow and the light.

I'm manifesting Fridays 113 Euromillions.

What are you manifesting?

As always, I'm here and would love to here from you.

Light a green candle, sprinkle with some cinnamon and whisper words of manifestation.

You are so much more than you realise and I bloody love ya.
by Lisa Viccars 30 October 2022
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by Lisa Viccars 20 October 2022
So you know me when I get into something, I fall down the fucking rabbit hole with a bang. 22.10.22 is a biggie, venus is moving into libra. The last time this happened was 250 years ago. We are moving our of Mars, me me me all for me energy into the energy of Venus. Venus, love, light healing and gorgeous balanced libra and bringing in fairness. The light and dark are meeting on even ground and next year we have Pluto moving into aquarius which is going to tip those scales. On Tuesday we have the solar eclipse which is going to intensify this double portal heading into Samhain. Light and dark to balance in all things. This is divine alchemy and sacred geometry coming together to spread love. BUT You are being called to bring this balance within you and this balance within your self. Add to that the Akashic element of these two events and soul contracts ending left right and centre, you may feel like you are in the centre of the tower as it is coming down arounf you. This too shall pass and the sun will rise again bringing in greater clarity and rightness. Things you need to do to help this transition. * Stop the conversations in your head. * Don't assume you know why someone is behaving a certain way. Ask them * Again - talk to people, ask them * Peoples shadows are rearing it's about them not you * Be kind to yourself * Salt baths * Self Care * Energy healing * Journalling Remember to feel it all, to breathe and believe and know you are not alone. The rebel is within you.
by Lisa Viccars 20 July 2022
Energy is everything and everything is energy. Nothing is as it seems and everything is energy in motion. That chair that you are sitting on appears to be a solid because of the rate the atoms are moving at but change the frequency, change the way the molecules and atoms are moving and the chair could be something else entirely. ENERGY IS EVERYTHING, IT IS EVERYWHERE AND PART OF EVERYTHING WE SEE, TOUCH AND FEEL BUT ENERGY IS ALSO VERY EASILY CHANGED BY IT'S ENVIRONMENT. We affect the energy around us. Have you ever been having a grumpy little shit moment and electrical equipment plays up or stops working. That is your energy affecting how it works. The energy that we are tapping into affects us. How do you feel in the forest or on the beach? The energy of that place is having an effect on you. How do you feel in the middle of a busy shopping centre when people are pushing to get where they want. The energy of that place is affecting you. The energy of a place is also affected by mass consciousness which is why music festivals feel so good. Everyone is vibrating at a higher frequency, their energy is lifted and they feel good. Attuning into a healing modality like reiki, seichem, quantrum breath, quantrum touch all attune you to a new way of working with energy. Energy is the literal make up of our existence and yet we have the power to play with it and create anything we want. You really are limitless and you can do anything L xx
by Lisa Viccars 9 July 2022
I wrote this blog over a year ago and although a lot of it no longer resonates with me. Yes there are only two measurable vibratory emotions - love and fear but actually now, I truly believe all emotions are valid and all need to be felt and released. Emotions are just energy in motion and if we allow them to be felt and moved through the body it takes just 90 seconds. So if I don't resonate with this blog below anymore why did I add it? Because it's important to own who we were and acknowledge growth. This is me; just over a month ago at a beach photoshoot for a book I had contributed a chapter to. I was terrified for a number of reasons. Firstly this was the first time I had left the house in months. Partly due to the Covid 19 panic and partly due to the fact that I had had a cervical stitch placed to keep my baby in. Leaving the safety of my house to go to the beach and get pictures taken felt physically and emotionally like climbing a mountain. I wasn’t far off the mark to be honest. The beach we went to turned out to be at the bottom of a very steep hill. But guess what. I made it. I got to the bottom of the hill. I got my picture taken and I made it back up. Nothing bad happened. In fact the opposite happened. I got to spend the day with an amazing group of women who had also contributed to the book. I got fresh air and exercise and realised that I could do more than I thought. It was a catalyst for releasing that fear and moving once again into love and my own power. There are only two recognisable vibratory emotions. Love and Fear Fear is debilitating, fear keeps us in our place and gives us a scapegoat for all the low level emotions which hurt us and others such as anger, anxiety, jealousy and resentment. Love lifts us up, love gives us the confidence and the drive to do things we never thought possible. Joy, Confidence, excitement. These occur when we are vibrating with love. It’s easy to know the difference. Ask yourself if what you are doing feels right or feels wrong. If it feels good, if it feels like you are in the flow. Then this is love. However, if it feels wrong if you are struggling, if you are experiencing those low level emotions then you know you are in fear mode. Anxiety and excitement are a great way to see the difference. The physical response to anxiety is exactly the same as the physical response to excitement, Whether you are excitedly awaiting something amazing or anxiously dreading something your body will behave in the same way but you will know. You will know which feels good and which feels rubbish. My question to you is. Who will you be without the fear? The world can be a hostile place or a safe place filled with opportunity. You get to decide.
by Lisa Viccars 9 July 2022
They came for us, Not with knives or swords or guns BUT With legislation. They tried to silence and untame us one by one But we will not be tamed Our work will not be undone. They don’t realise that running through our veins Is the blood of the ancestors, The warriors The women Whose names they Removed from the history books and The ancient tales We are the Goddesses, the priestesses The Medusa’s of old We will not be silenced and we will not be told To lower our voices Or close our legs What to do with our bodies Or what to do next. Always fear the silence for it we Plan, shakti rising Ready to strike. Rise warrior women rise The time is now Lisa Viccars
by Lisa Viccars 8 July 2022
It was 7.7 Portal last night and I was so looking forward to providing a soul journey through the portal with an activation to support the downloads and codes coming through. I had my ascended masters to work with and a lovely guide through lemurian light codes. Did this happen? Did it fuck. The general basis of this powerful Sirius portal is surrendering to the change to come. Just look at what has been happening in the 3d reality this week to see the change, so I shouldn't have been surprised when the universe floated me this week with a sickness bug. You see, we are supposed to practice what we preach and, for the most part, I do, except when it means stopping when I'm on a roll. I shout from the rooftops always - Listen to your body when it whispers or it will make you listen to always its screams. And it is so true. I know this. I've lived it many times. I teach this shit BUT When I've got shit to do, I'm an absolute twat for just thinking and saying to my body, 1 more, just 1 more. So during a live card pull on Sunday I was given the old practice what you preach message and I knew instantly the universe was saying. You are taking the piss and you need to slow down and make time for you, space for you. Stop holding space for others when you aren't holding it for yourself. Did I listen, did I fuck I went and did some work climbed into bed around 1am and woke up feeling like someone had put me through a blender, poured 3 bottles of vodka down my neck and shook me out. So tonight on the 7.7 portal, I'm holding space for myself, I'm doing a little journey into my akashic records just for me. I'm listening and I am surrendering. ha ha surrendering, the whole fucking point of this particular portal in the first place. Remember surrendering doesn't always mean giving in, it just means accepting things as they are momentarily, so that you can reflect, recharge, recoup and then re-storm. Have a great gateway and I'll host a journey for 8.8 Lionsgate. In the meantime if you have any questions or want any more information on what we offer. Drop me a message Lisa - Soul Rebel xxxx
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